about the concerts
We’re delighted to continue the tradition of live music at Crows’ Feat Farm, and are welcoming a remarkable lineup of artists to perform for our community this year.
Speaking of 2021, the theme song for the summer season is David Roth’s “This is the Year“, a wonderful invitation to be–or become–our best selves. Isn’t that what makes live music so powerful? It speaks to our souls, often without words. David will be performing at Crows’ Feat on July 4th, a very special treat.
We have two different types of concerts planned for 2021 – lawn concerts performed from our snazzy bandshell tent (these can accommodate up to 150 guests) and smaller “patio concerts” at the house for a more intimate experience (no more than 40 guests). We will alternate between lawn and patio concerts each week, with music every Sunday from 3-5 pm (sometimes 6 pm) for your enjoyment!
These concerts come from and for this community—they are not a commercial venture! We are SUGGESTING DONATIONS that will go entirely to the artists. So please come listen, love, and support them this summer.
As was the case last year, Crows’ Feat Farm is absorbing all of the operating costs of these concerts. If you wish to support these concerts and the work the farm, please do!