David Roth Sings the Story

We're taking farming back to its roots.

Our Mission

The mission of Crows’ Feat is to educate and empower people, using the principles of permaculture and regenerative farming, to grow nourishing and affordable food. We are committed to cultivation practices - no-till farming, regenerative grazing, and the avoidance of all chemicals – that support human flourishing while protecting native flora and fauna. The farm serves as both a classroom and a model for collaboration with other farmers, conservation groups, and technical experts. By restoring these Kensington farmlands to peak fertility, we aim to provide abundant food for our Seacoast neighbors.

Our mission is deeply spiritual, rooted in the legacy of hard work and respect for the natural world embodied by our ancestors. We seek to foster, in ourselves and others, an attitude of self-reliance, cooperation, generosity, and appreciation for the gifts of nature. We see and seek the divine in all beings.

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Our Growing Practices
Crows’ Feat Farm is committed to regenerative farming. We do not till the soil and use no chemicals whatsoever. Our permaculture design plan envisages a self-sustaining system of cultivation that is geared around the production of tree fruits and nuts, other perennial fruits, and a wide variety of annual vegetables. We raise chickens for meat and eggs, and plan eventually to graze goats and/or sheep. Presently, we host a small number of beef cows from a neighboring farm that are rotated through our pastures to enhance the fertility of the soil, and provide bugs for the chickens. A neighboring beekeeper tends a dozen hives on our farm. We also grow a wide variety of perennial and annual flowers, to support these pollinators and bring joy to the community.
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Our Famers
Karen Parker Feld and Peter Freeman created Crows' Feat Farm as a gift to the community and to the next generation. We have relied upon an army of volunteers, part-time staff, friends and neighbors to help us return this land to its roots and history as a working farm. Those who have joined us in this endeavor are too numerous to mention, but these individuals provided substantive support: Alicia, Alison, Ami, Amy, Andy, Ann, Chris, David, Deb, Devin, Dwight, Elizabeth, Eric, Guy, Janlyn, Jean, Jordan, Julia, Kelsy, Ken, Kimberly, Kristen, Linh, Matt, Michelle, Mike, Munch, Nadine, Nell, Randy, Sean, Scott, Susan, Terry, Trish, Yoni, Yulia and Zack.

This farm would not exist without their many contributions of hard work and wisdom.
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Our Produce
We grow apples, arugula, asparagus, beans, beets, bok choi, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, eggplants, fennel, garlic, herbs, honeydew, husk cherries, lettuce, onions, peaches, pears, peas, peppers – sweet and hot - potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, rhubarb, romaine, summer squash, scallions, spinach, strawberries, sweet potatoes, turnips, tomatoes, tomatilloes, zucchini, and watermelon.

We also offer pasture-raised chickens, eggs, gorgeous flowers, and a wide variety of prepared and preserved foods. All are produced at Crows' Feat with human hands, loving hearts, and no chemicals.
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Our Journey
It all started in 2020 when we launched a summer concert series with the goal of getting people back together, enjoying the sounds of nature and beautiful music. We had already been growing a lot of food - we donated all of our produce that year to the local food pantry - but realized a widespread longing for community demanded more of us. We began recruiting farmers and thinking about how to scale the regenerative practices we learned from the talented individuals at Seacoast Permaculture. Year by year we have expanded our growing beds, developed expertise in a wider array of perennial and annual crops, and broadened our outreach to the community.
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Where to Find Us

You can purchase our produce at the Exeter farmer's market, sponsored by Seacoast Eat Local, every Thursday afternoon from 2:30-6:00 pm from May-October.

You can also visit our farm store at 180 Drinkwater Rd on Friday afternoons from 4-7 pm and Saturdays from 9-3 pm. Enjoy a discount on our full selection of produce and flowers by joining our farm share; you can pick-up at the store or at the Exeter market.

Our farm store is also the center of a wide array of community events and activities, including monthly working parties, workshops, summer concerts and picnics. For more information, sign up below.

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Crows’ Feat Farm spans 100 acres of pastureland and forest in the rural idyll of Kensington, NH. Established in 1744 by Capt. Jonathan Prescott, one of the town’s founders, the farm has been home to only five families over 275 years. Formerly known as Rolling Ridge, the property was purchased by Karen Parker Feld in 2010, and in 2017, she and her husband Peter expanded the farm by acquiring an adjacent 32-acre plot to protect it from commercial development. Much of the land is now conserved, maintaining its historic and natural beauty.

The property’s enduring history and commitment to sustainable farming ensure it remains a cherished part of the community. Crows’ Feat is collaborating with other local farmers and community volunteers to create a working cooperative farm that is a gift to future generations. The contributions of dozens of volunteers has been an enormous blessing to this effort, making this farm a unique asset to our community.

Share in Nature’s Bounty!

To whet your appetite, here’s some of what’s included in our farm share. In addition to fresh produce, we offer seedlings, flowers, fruits, prepared foods, and our finest pasture-raised chickens and eggs. If you sign up before the end of January, you’ll enjoy a 10% discount.

You can pick up at our farm store, which is open Friday afternoon/evenings and on Saturdays. Alternatively, you can pick up your share at the Exeter Farmers market on Thursday afternoons. We are also at the Kensington Apple Blossom Fair (in early May), and the PTO Holiday Fair (in early December).  

To find out what we grew last year, click here.

Veggies & Fruit

Come Grow With Us


There are many potential avenues to get involved in the farm, and we appreciate your participation! All are welcome to join our monthly working parties, sign up for one of our hands-on workshops, or pursue other volunteer opportunities (tending the chickens, assisting with picnics, delivering food, flowers and/or feed, minding the farm store, or helping at the farmers market). If you know young people who enjoy hard work and being outdoors, please let them know about opportunities at the farm. We don’t like tooting our own horn and avoid social media, so appreciate help spreading the word about our work!

The creativity that comes from sharing ideas and inspiration has made us better in every way. The hard work of dozens of volunteers have been an enormous blessing, one that we are reciprocating by making this farm an asset of our community.

Interested in participating in any of the following opportunities? Contact us by clicking the button below and we will follow up with you!

There are many potential avenues to get involved in the farm, and we appreciate your participation! All are welcome to join our monthly working parties, sign up for one of our hands-on workshops, or pursue other volunteer opportunities (tending the chickens, assisting with picnics, delivering food, flowers and/or feed, minding the farm store, or helping at the farmers market). If you know young people who enjoy hard work and being outdoors, please let them know about opportunities at the farm. We don’t like tooting our own horn and avoid social media, so appreciate help spreading the word about our work!

The creativity that comes from sharing ideas and inspiration has made us better in every way. The hard work of dozens of volunteers have been an enormous blessing, one that we are reciprocating by making this farm an asset of our community.

Interested in participating in any of the following opportunities? Contact us by clicking the button below and we will follow up with you!
